Labor movements in the US and around the world have been at the center of progressive social change for many generations. In the US, without labor union struggles we would have no child labor laws, no worker safety and worker compensation laws, no unemployment insurance, no social security, no Medicare, and far less social justice across an array of issues.
Labor played a key role in the Ciivil Rights and Chicano/a movements, the Coalition of Labor Union Women has fought for decades for women's rights in and beyond the workplace, and unions have been important to most other progressive movements of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.
The links below tell some of the history of labor movement in the US, both historically and as an ongoing, newly energized, ethnically and gender diverse movement. In terms of culture and the art of protest, the labor movement has long provided a key soundtrack in the song form, from old Irish and Scottish ballads to the parody songs of the IWW to the folk revival of the 1960s and on to today.
New technologies, poor management, corruption and right-wing attacks have weakened the labor movement over the last few decades, and allowed the rise of working class resentment preyed upon by opportunistic conservatives like Trump with no real interest in working people. A resurgent labor movement will be one key to widening the agenda of progressive change for decades to come, as it rejects this new right-wing pseudo-populism.
"Arts Organizing Lifts Oakland Teachers Strike" Essay by David Solnit on "Common Dreams" site.
More on the movement: LA Art Build to Win the Schools Students Deserve
Fighting for to Keep Teachers in Oakland. Videos on the recent art-infused movement in California
The 2018 [and 2019] Wave of Teacher Strikes Essay by Sam Karp and Adam Sanchez in "Re-Thinking Schools"
Featured Sites
Labor Culture. Fine site from Lincoln Cushing, especially strong on posters and other visual culture documents from labor history.
Center for Working Class Studies. Excellent resource on history and present of labor and working class issues and movements.
Historical & Contemporary Labor Culture Sites and Documents
- African American Labor History. Overview essay by James Gilbert Cassedy.
- Bracero History Archive. Rich source on one of the more exploitative practices in labor immigrant history.
- Bread and Roses: The Lawrence Textile Strike of 1912. Article by Joyce Kornbluth.
- Bread & Roses Cultural Project. Resources for current arts in support of labor.
- Center for Working Class Studies. Excellent resource on history and present of labor and working class issues and movements.
- Farmworker Movement Documentation Project.
- Federal Writer's Projects Life Histories Collection. Library of Congress online resource including life
- Films about Labor & Labor History
- Haymarket Massacre Archive. Site on one of the American labor movement's most infamous events.
- Haymarket Massacre as Drama. Fine site from the Chicago Historical Society exploring the various cultural contexts and meanings of the Haymarket massacre.
- IWW History Project Excellent set of resource on a major force in early 20th century history.
- Labor Arts. Excellent resource on the role of music, drama, the visual arts and more in labor history.
- Labor Heritage Society. Includes much on labor cultures.
- Labor Heritage Foundation. Using the arts in support of the labor movement.
- Labor History Links. Major set of links to online resources; see especially it "Culture" section.
- Labor History of the United States. Fairly solid & comprehensive wikipedia entry.
- Labor History Timeline.
- Labor and Working-Class History Association
- Lost Labor Stunning collection of 150 photographs of American workers.
- Music & Labor History links Scroll down to see the site links.
- Official Eugene V. Debs web site. Speeches, biographical and historical information on the famous labor agitator and “Socialist Party of America” leader in the early 20th century.
- The Paterson Pageant, 1913. Story of the great theatrical reenactment of the Paterson textile strike.
- Seattle General Strike Project U of Washington site on the citywide strike of 1919.
- "The Songbird and the Martyr: Katie Phar, Joe Hill, and the Songs of the IWW." by Senteara Orwig. The IWW/Wobblies' brought wonderfully satiric music to the movement.
- Tamiment Library Archives. Major set of documents in the history of labor and left activism.
- The 1911 Triangle Factory Fire. Fine site on of the more tragic events in labor history.
- Union Songs. Large collection of over 800.
- Working Class Literature. Bibliography, articles and more.
- Working Class Movement Library
- Working Women 1800-1930. Massive collection at Harvard University.
Selected Contemporary Labor Organizations & Labor Culture Sites
- America's Farmworkers homepage.
- AFL-CIO. America's Union Movement.
- AFL-CIO Boycott List.
- Become a Union Organizer.Info on the Organizing Institute
- Center for Third World Organizing. A major progressive racial justice/labor organizer training resource.
- Center for Working Class Studies. Excellent resource on history and present of labor and working class issues and movements.
- Class Action Rich resource on class issues in US past and present.
- Coalition of Black Trade Unionists.
- Coalition of Graduate Employee Unions. Resource for the expanding movement of Graduate Student unionization.
- Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW). Longstanding group fightingfor the rights of working women.
- Democratic Socialists of America. Strategies for a new economy for working people.
- Disgruntled. The web 'zine for folks who work for a living.
- Electronic Democracy Information Network (EDIN) Labor Issues Page.
- International Labor Organization. Key force linkinglabor movements around the globe.
- IWW Homepage. Yes, the IWW is very much alive today and their homepage includes links to other labor and anarchist sites.
- Jobs with Justice National.
- Labor Center. Fine resource from the University of California.
- Labor Party USA.
- The Labor Project. Good links and database from the University of Oregon on the labor movement in the Northwest US.
- Labor Project for Working Families.Maquila Solidarity.org Resource on the attempt to improve conditions in the US-Mexico border maquiladora factories.
- LaborNet. Good general source on current labor movements.
- Labor/Community Strategy Center. Provides articles (historical and current) on labor unions and the movement in general. Also provides links to schools for labor organizers.
- Labor Net's comprehensive lists of unions and labor movement groups online.
- Labor-Related Films in the Library of Congress Collection.
- Labor History Timeline. A pdf of labor history events
- Labour Start Rich resource for news on the labor movements worldwide.
- Service Employees International Union (SEIU). A major force for progressiveorganzing of service sector workers in the US and beyond.
- Social Democrats, USA.
- UE: International Solidarity. Major union working of a new labor movement coalition across lines of race, gender and class..
- Unite Here. Strong coaltion of textile and hotel workers unions.
- United Farm Workers union.
- United Students Against Sweatshops Central source for the university-bases brach of the anti-sweatshop movement.
Labor Unions around the Globel Links worldwide to labor unions and worker rights organizations.
Selected Labor History & Working Class Culture Books & Articles
- Aronowitz, Stanley. How Class Works: Power and Social Movement. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003.
- Brody, David. Workers in Industrial America: Essays on the Twentieth Century Struggle.
- DeMott, Benjamin. The Imperial Middle: Why Americans Can’t Think Straight about Class. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992. Especially good on popular culture and the obscuring of class.
- Dubofsky, Melvyn, and Foster Rhea Dulles. Labor in America: A History (8th ed. 2010).
- Ehrenreich, Barbara. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America. New York: Metropolitan, 2001.
- Fantasia, Rick. Cultures of Solidarity: Consciousness, Action and Contemporary Workers. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989. Looks at how the subcultures created by workers in unions, on the shop-floor and outside the job shaped union possibilities and limits.
- Faue, Elizabeth. Rethinking the American Labor Movement (2017).
- Fink, Gary M., ed. Labor Unions. Greenwood Press, 1977
- Foner, Philip. Women and the American Labor Movement from World War I to the Present.
- Frymer, Paul. Black and Blue: African Americans, the Labor Movement, and the Decline of the Democratic Party. Princeton University Press, 2008.
- Gutman, Herbert. Power and Culture: Essays on the American Working Class (New Press, 1992).
- Kingsolver, Anne, ed. More than Class: Studying Power in US Workplaces. NY: SUNY, 1998. Interesting collection of cultural context that shape working class relations.
- Lauter, Paul, and Ann Fitzgerald, editors. Literature, Class, and Culture. Longmans, 2001. Excellent, comprehensive collection.
- Levine, Lawrence W. Highbrow Lowbrow, The Emergence of Cultural Hierarchy in America. Harvard University Press, 1990. On how culture helped create class division in early 20th century.
- Lichtenstein, Nelson. State of the Union: A Century of American Labor (2003).
- Lott, Eric. Love and Theft: Blackface Minstrelsy and the American Working Class (2013). Brilliant study of how race trumped class as whiteness became a social identity ending black-white solidarity.
- Moss, Kirby. The Color of Class: Poor Whites and the Paradox of Privilege. University of Pensylvania Press, 2003. A reflection by an African American author on the class and racial tensions between poor whites and upwardly mobile blacks; very relevant to the current political scene.
- Rabinowitz, Paula. Labor and Desire: Women's Revolutionary Fiction in Depression America. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill 1991.
- Roediger, David. The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class, NY: Basic Books, 1991. Key book on how stirring up racial tensions damaged the white working class.
- Roediger, David. Working Toward Whiteness: How America's Immigrants Became White. The Strange Journey from Ellis Island to the Suburbs. New York: Basic Books. 2005.
- Rothenberg, Paula. Invisible Privilege; A Memoir about Race, Class, and Gender. University Press of Kansas, 2000.
- Salerno, Salvatore. Red November, Black November: Culture & Community in the Industrial Workers of the World. NY: SUNY Press, 1989. Best study of IWW songs, poems, cartoons & general culture.
- Sennett, Richard and Jonathan Cobb. The Hidden Injuries of Class. New York: Knopf/Vintage Books, 1972. Classic text even more relevant than when it was written.
- Tea, Michelle, ed. Without A Net: The Female Experience of Growing Up Working Class. Emeryville, CA: Seal Press, 2003.
- Wray, Matt and Newitz, Annalee, ed. White Trash: Race and Class in America. New York: Routledge, 1996. Collection exploring stereotypes about US poor whites.
- Wilentz, Sean. Chants Democratic: New York City & the Rise of the American Working class, 1788-1850 (1984).
- Zandy, Janet, ed. Calling Home: Working Class Women’s Writings: An Anthology. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1990.
Selected List of Novels About Labor & US Working-Class Life
- Arnow, Harriet. The Dollmaker (1954, reprint 1990)
- Attaway, William. Blood on the Forge (1941; reprint, 1987)
- Bell, Thomas. Out of the Furnace. (1941)
- Cantwell, Robert. Land of Plenty (1934; reprint 2016)
- Conroy, Jack. The Disinherited.
- Denby, Charles. Indignant Heart (1978)
- Di Donato, Pietro, Christ in Concrete (1939)
- Farrell, James T. he Studs Lonigan Trilolgy (1932-35)
- Hamper, Ben. Rivethead
Salute to Spring (1940) ,>- London, Jack. Martin Eden (1909)
- McKenney, Ruth. Industrial Valley (reprint, 1993)
- Miner, Valerie. A Walking Fire (1994)
- Morrison, Toni. Tar Baby
- Olsen, Tille. Yonnondio
- Roth, Henry. Call it Sleep (1934)
- Sanford, John. The People From Heaven(1943)
- Steinbeck, John. In Dubious Battle/em>
- Steinbeck John. The Grapes of Wrath
- Traven, B. The Death Ship
- Wright, Richard. Black Boy (1945)
- Sinclair, Upton. The Jungle
- Sinclair, Upton. The Flivver King (1937, reprint 1993)
- Smedley, Agnes. Daughter of the Earth (1943)
- Yezierska, Anzia. Bread Givers (1925)
Additional Works of Working Class Fiction & Poetry from Rebel Graphics
Films about Labor & the Working Class annotated list from Rebel Graphics
Fair Labor Consumer Sites
- China Labor Watch Anti-sweatshop group focused on China's labor processes.
- Equal Exchange. Fair trade issues.
- Global Exchange. Major fair trade organization.
- Good Guide. Helps consumers locate products made under decent labor conditions.
- Union Label. Guide to truly union made product.