Author and Guerilla Girl Site editor stalked by Lara Croft 3D cut out is a not-for-profit matrix of sites curated, written and managed by T.V. Reed, with technical and design support from Hart Sturgeon-Reed, and Blair Beauchesne. Reed is Buchanan Distinguished Professor Emeritus of American Studies and English at Washington State University. These sites are designed for students, teachers, journalists, scholars, activists and anyone else interested in learning more about popular culture, digital cultures, social movements, environmental justice, and/or cultural theory. All the sites aim to demonstrate the importance of cultural forms and cultural force with regard to issues of social equality and inequality. They aim to provide a lot of information from a variety of sources -- academics, journalists, independent scholars, commercial sites. The goal is to be as clear and accessible as possible. Because the site is a one person project with over 100 subpages, it is not possible to keep things as up-to-date as I would like despite an ever-ongoing revision process. Comments, dead link information and other suggestions for improvement are welcome and can be sent to:

I am also the author of the following books:

Digitized Lives: Culture, Power and Social Change in the Internet Era (2nd edition, 2019) Surveys the positive and negative impact of digital culture on education, sexuality, politics, gender and ethnic identity, and host of other issues.

Postmodern Realist Fiction: Resisting Master Narratives 1960-2020. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. Introduces postmodernist fiction that addresses income inequality, immigration, the environmental justice, terrorism, racism, ever-changing technologies, shifting sex-gender roles, the rise of new forms of authoritarianism and other related social issues. Discusses more than 40 writers from a diverse range of class, gender, and ethnic/racial backgrounds.

The Art of Protest: Culture and Activism from the Civil Rights Movement to the Present. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2019 [2nd edition]. A history of U.S. social movements from the 1950s to the present -- women's, civil rights, Black Power/Black Lives Matter, Chicanx, Native American, environmental, Occupy, ACT-UP and more -- focusing on roles played by various art forms (music, murals. poetry, puppetry, film, novels, etc.) in shaping social change.

Robert Cantwell and the Literary Left: A Northwest Writer Reworks American Fiction. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2014. Uses Cantwell, a brilliant but largely forgotten author, as a case study to reexamine the radical or proletarian literary movement of the Depression era and its aftermath and a nuanced understanding of class dynamics in US fiction. ​

Fifteen Jugglers, Five Believers: Literary Politics and the Poetics of American Social Movements. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992. Book arguing for “postmodern realism” as a theory of literary, cultural and political production entwined with “new social movement” struggles.