This is just a small selection of the many classic and contemporary articles on social movements available online. Visit some of these open access movement journals and research sites for others, as well as the many articles and books linked elsewhere on this site.
Featured Article: Judith Butler, "On the Case for Nonviolence." Brilliant defense of the primary tool for progressive social movements of the 20th and 21st centuries.
- Arab Spring in Tunisia and Egypt: The Impact of New Media on Contemporary Social Movements and Challenges for Social Movement Theory. by Victoria Carty.
- Black Arts Movement by Kalamu ya Salaam. Piece from the Oxford Companion to American Literature on the key cultural force of the Black Power movement of the 1960s and early 70s.
- A Brief History of the Black Panther Party by Sundiata Acoli.
- An Introduction to Anarchism by Liz A. Highleyman. Provides an overview of classic anarchisms, ideologies that are strongly represented in contemporary movements.
- Digital Parties On the Rise: A Mass Politics for the Era of Platforms. by Paulo Gerbaudo. Important piece on relations among digital organizing, social movements & electoral politics.
- Narrative and Social Movements by F. Polletta, and P. Chen. Excellent overview article.
- Narrative and Social Movements: The Power of Stories by Joseph E. Davis.
- New Social Movements Are Different. by Eve Ottenberg.
- Origins and History of the Chicano Movement by Roberto Rodriguez.
- Peace Signs:Comparing Anti-War Posters From the Vietnam War and the Gulf Wars by T.V. Reed
- Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism: An Unbridgeable Chasm by Murray Bookchin. Another classic essay distinguishing among strands of anarchist ideologies.
- This Is about People Dying: The Tactics of Early ACT UP and the Lesbian Avengers in New York City based upon interviews with Maxine Wolfe by Laraine Sommella.
- The Tyranny of Structurelessness. by Jo Freeman. Classic early feminist article on how hidden power plays can emerge in putatively radically democratic movement forms.
- What the New Global Pro-choice Movements Can Teach Politics. by Deirdre Duffy.